Lonzo – Gift left to me

To whom it may concern, my name is Lonzo Coulter Jr. I would like to thank you, Lauth Investigations International, for blessing me with god’s blessing. I would not have known anything about the gift was left to me if it wouldn’t have been for you all finding me after nine years of searching. Love and blessings, thank you very much.

Glen was Very Professional

Our claim researcher, Glen Niccone, was very professional, helpful, and courteous. He did an excellent job and we appreciate all his work.

Stella – Payment Received

I have received the payment. I really appreciate your time and effort. I consider this an unexpected gift from my father and the timing couldn’t be better. This will help me finish my Bachelor’s Degree. Thanks again, 

Thomas – thank you for finding this lost treasure

On behalf of our family, thank you for finding this lost treasure. Our claim researcher was most professional and congenial in assisting our journey through the dense Connecticut beaurocratic jungle.