Choosing the Right Heir Finder

Choosing the Right Heir Finder

What is an Heir Finder?
Heir finders do many different things such as locating legitimate  assets as well as their potential owners or heirs, obtaining required documentation, assisting in the filing of the claim and much more. Heir finders can work for a number of different companies or independently. There are many different heir finders out there so it’s important to choose the one that best fits your needs.

Things to Consider
With multiple options and things to consider, you might find it difficult to decide which heir finder to choose. To find the heir finder that’s best for you, it’s important to determine what your needs are and what’s most important to you when considering an heir finder.

Privacy and Security

If you take your personal information seriously and your privacy is important to you, it might be a good idea to choose a licensed private investigation company or other incorporated business to assist you with your lost assets claim. These companies usually hold their employees to very high privacy and security standards. Policies and Codes of Conduct are usually in place to secure your information is secure at all times. Identity theft has been at an all-time high over the last several years so taking this into consideration should be one of your top priorities.

Approving the Claim

Lost assets can belong to the original owner, beneficiaries named in a will, heirs determined by the State intestate succession, an open or closed company, an open or closed trust, and more. The documentation required for each claim varies based on circumstance. There are many circumstances that can make it difficult to obtain the required documentation to prove the claim to the state. Since everything is determined on a case by case basis and everything is very much circumstantial, it’s important to choose an heir finder with the experience and knowledge necessary to get your claim approved. Licensed private investigation companies generally have the resources and knowledge required to obtain these required documents.

Avoiding Scams

There are more and more companies and individuals posing as companies trying to scam consumers and clients on a daily basis. There are many ways to verify a company’s legitimacy and it’s important that you do so without taking it lightly.

Ways companies can prove their legitimacy:

  • Better Business Bureau accreditation and holding a high Better Business Bureau rating
  • Obtaining a business license and/or private investigation license in one or more states
  • Company works on a contingent basis and does not require you to pay them up front
  • Company has verifiable references and/or testimonials

Making the Final Decision

One last thing that’s important to consider is the knowledge and background of an heir finder before making your final decision. It’s not only important the company is experienced in escheated assets, but it’s also very important and very helpful when the company and/or heir finder is experienced in other areas as well. Other areas of expertise to consider would be genealogy, research, and customer service, just to name a few. When a company has multiple resources and multiple other areas of expertise, it’s more likely they can help you get the through the claim process and help you obtain the required documentation to prove your claim.

By Katelyn Kauffman, Case Manager at Lauth Investigations-Lost Assets Division

Corporate Due Diligence and Asset Searches in Litigation

Corporate Due Diligence and Asset Searches in Litigation

due-diligenceCorporate Structure

Unlike typical businesses or limited liability companies (LLC’s), corporations are structured differently and created under the laws of a state to establish it as a separate entity of its Board of Directors. Various forms of corporations exist and the actions of the corporate officers are governed by the bylaws of the entity.

Though not universal throughout the United States, one aspect of a corporation is in the event that a corporation fails, shareholders, may lose their investments, members may lose their positions and employees may lose their jobs but will not be held liable for remaining debts owed to the corporation’s creditors.

Corporations are generally accepted by law to have responsibilities similar to that of an individual and can exercise rights against other individuals and entities, and even be held responsible for violations and criminal offenses, such as fraud. Many corporations are created as entities of perpetual duration and can exist indefinitely until legally dissolved voluntarily by members or shareholders, statutorily, or by court order.

Corporate Litigation

Corporate litigation is a complex area of law that can include a variety of tort and contractual claims, such as breach of contract, fraud, infringement of intellectual property, and breach of fiduciary duties. Commercial insurance disputes can also be a source of litigation when an insurance claim is undervalued and denied as a fair claim requiring the claimant to sue to recover the amount they are entitled to. During any corporate or business dispute, it is advisable to attempt to resolve the dispute through negotiation or arbitration. However, if the dispute(s) cannot be resolved, litigation can be utilized to resolve the dispute(s).

Corporate Disputes and Legal Considerations

  • Employment Law Disputes
  • Corporate Contract Negotiation
  • Breach of Contract and General Contract Disputes
  • Payment Disputes
  • Non-Compete Agreements
  • Property sell and purchasing
  • Mergers and Acquisitions
  • Commercial Leasing Disputes
  • Insurance Disputes
  • Employee Fraud/Embezzlement
  • Corporate Partnership Disputes
  • Business Torts

Why Companies in Litigation Over 500K Should Conduct Asset Searches

When facing corporate litigation in excess of $500K, the decision makers of the corporation must take into consideration the cost of legal representation, if the defendant has assets and evaluate if the costs of litigation are worthwhile. A comprehensive asset search can quickly identify property that could be attached to satisfy a judgment if located or be used as a powerful negotiation tool between the parties prior to ever initiating a lawsuit. It is recommended any corporation weighing the pros and cons of pursuing litigation that may result in a judgment in excess of $500K first have an all-inclusive asset search conducted to determine if a judgment can be collected.

Private investigators and investigative firms have the capability of assisting a corporation even prior to initiating litigation by reviewing financial records, trace and discover fiscal misrepresentations, confirm accurate financial information and locate hidden assets enabling corporate representatives to make an informed decision whether to pursue litigation. If litigation is pursued, it becomes paramount to ensure the information collected is comprehensive and presented in an understandable and simplified form that will be admissible in court.

The Role of In-House Corporate Attorneys

An in-house corporate attorney advises corporations on the entity’s legal rights, duties and responsibilities of the corporate officers, along with ensuring all commercial transactions and contracts are handled legally. Corporate lawyers typically have experience and knowledge in licensing, contract and tax law, corporate structure, zoning, security law, accounting, intellectual rights, bankruptcy and any other laws specific to the companies they represent.

In-house corporate attorneys act more as facilitators and negotiators in the role of corporate transactions, reviewing and drafting documents, structuring deals and attending meetings. A corporate attorney’s duties can vary from acting in an advisory capacity to negotiating corporate mergers and acquisitions.

The Role of an Outside Civil Litigation Attorney

An in-house corporate attorney who primarily acts in an advisory and negotiation capacity, may determine that civil litigation is the only way to remedy a dispute. A civil attorney deals specifically with disputes between corporations and /or individuals and is a branch of law focused on representing those who compensation may be awarded. Civil litigation typically focuses on contracts, torts, and other disputes as mentioned above.

Civil law is different from other types of law as it is designed to ensure agreements are honored and settle disputes; in essence to ‘right a wrong’ and ensure the victim is compensated. In any type of case it is important for a corporation or attorney to conduct due diligence on the potential defendant before expending money and time in pursuing a claim that may never be repaid because the defendant has no assets, has minimized or successfully hidden assets.

The Role of Creditor Rights Attorney

Creditor Rights Attorneys represent creditors who are attempting to collect money borrowed and loans not repaid. While debtors are protected by the Fair Collections Practices Act, it is still necessary for the creditor to make every attempt to obtain a judgment requiring the debtor to repay the loan. Debt falls into two categories; secured and unsecured.

Secured debt is when a loan is secured with collateral with some type of property to ensure repayment should the debtor fail to make payments. An unsecured loan is debt that has no property or collateral to secure the loan, therefore if the debtor defaults the creditor must make attempts to collect the amounts owed. Repossession of secured personal property must follow State Uniform Commercial Code (UCC). Creditor Rights Attorneys assist creditors with creditor litigation, liens, domestic and foreign judgments, garnishments and collection services.

Types of Services That Can Assist Corporations and Attorneys in Due Diligence Asset Searches Asset search companies and licensed private investigative firms that specialize in providing comprehensive asset searches can provide invaluable assistance to attorneys and corporations such as financial institutions, debt recovery units, government agencies, and private individuals in recovering assets.

Corporate Summaries identify corporate EIN, DUNS, estimated sales, and income; to include the number of employees, operating locations, employee profiles and structure of the potential target corporation.

  • Identify names of Officers and Directors and management teams of potential target corporation.
  • Identified potential target corporation’s clientele, nature of business and volume of business with each clientele.
  • Identifies potential target corporation’s vendors, suppliers, logistics and financial institutions.
  • Credit and payment analysis for 12-36 months to include creditors and debt amounts.
  • Search of court records.
  • Identifies all physical locations of potential target corporation and tangible assets and on-site physical confirmation of assets such as machinery and equipment.
  • Analyze annual production capacity.
  • Identify financial institutions, brokerage firms and off-shore assets.
  • Domain names, website traffic and domain’s estimated value.
Guidelines to Ensure You Are Working With a Licensed and Competent Private Investigator

Guidelines to Ensure You Are Working With a Licensed and Competent Private Investigator

pi-licenseAny time you hire an individual or company to provide a service whether it may be a simple home repair or as important as hiring someone to watch your children it is always a good idea to check the background of the business or individual you may be contemplating on hiring. This is also recommended as a good rule of thumb to also investigate the investigator when hiring a firm to assist you in any private investigation.

Commonly private investigators assist companies, individuals and attorneys with services that can identify, locate, analyze and verify information about personal, financial or legal matters. From providing employment verification to investigating identity theft, harassment and infidelity, private investigators also perform surveillance and conduct interviews when assisting attorneys in case preparation of civil and criminal cases.

Private investigators play an important role in ensuring facts are documented and presented in a legal manner acceptable by courts throughout the country.

Taking into consideration Federal and State Laws privacy laws, working with a licensed private investigator or firm is the first step to make certain that information and the manner it is obtained is legal, accurate and admissible in court. Many times private investigators must make judgment calls and vital you are working with individuals of the highest integrity.

Most private investigators have worked in the criminal justice field and some even former law enforcement. Despite credentials, it is important to verify the individual or firm you are working with is also licensed to carry out the work to be performed. Though not every state requires a private investigator to be licensed, doing some of your own footwork can ensure you are protected and even save you time and money.

For states that do require private investigators to be licensed, most require the investigator to be over the age of eighteen, a combination of education or work experience in the field of criminal justice. They must also pass a criminal history background check. For those who carry firearms, they must meet additional requirements. To verify the license of a private investigator or firm contact your state licensing entity.